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SHRM CP (SHRM-CP) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Exam Info

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The more you know about the SHRM CP exam the better prepared you will be! Our practice tests are designed to help you master both the subject matter and the art of test-taking to be sure you are fully prepared for your exam.

Here are a few things to think about:

  • What is the SHRM CP certification exam?
  • Who is Responsible for the SHRM exam?
  • Am I eligibility for the SHRM CP Exam?
  • What is the best way to ensure your succes on the first try?
  • The benefits of using Exam Edge to pass your SHRM CP exam.

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SHRM Certified Professional - Additional Information

What is on the SHRM CP: Detailed Breakdown

The SHRM CP is a computer-based multiple-choice exam featuring 160 questions to be answered during a four-hour testing period. It covers content that all Human Resources professionals should know to find success long-term. The material covers leadership, business, interpersonal skills, the management of employees, organization, and workplace best practices.

If an examinee can address questions across these subjects, they'll have no trouble earning a passing score on the SHRM CP exam. Of course, a little practice never hurts - an SHRM CP practice test can go a long way to help an examinee prepare.

SHRM Certified Professional - Additional Info Sample Questions

When HR is involved in mergers and acquisitions, they play different roles. Which of the following is NOT likely to be a role for HR professionals?

Correct Answer:
take a minor role once the merger or acquisition is complete

when human resources (hr) is involved in mergers and acquisitions, they serve several crucial roles that contribute to the success of the integration process. these roles typically extend before, during, and after the completion of the transaction. it is therefore inaccurate to suggest that hr would take a minor role once the merger or acquisition is complete.

firstly, hr serves as an adviser to the team that is executing the deal. in this capacity, hr provides insights on issues related to workforce, company culture, and employee benefits, which are all essential for a smooth transition. hr's expertise helps in assessing the compatibility of the merging entities' human capital and in planning the integration of diverse workforce systems.

secondly, hr acts as the subject-matter expert on all issues related to personnel during the merger or acquisition. they play a pivotal role in due diligence, helping to identify potential human resource risks and liabilities, such as contractual obligations with employees, potential labor disputes, and alignment of compensation and benefits packages.

another important role of hr is managing the flow of information about employees. this includes communicating any changes that will affect the workforce, managing expectations, and maintaining morale during the uncertain times that typically accompany mergers and acquisitions. effective communication helps to minimize rumors and misinformation, stabilizing the organization through the transition.

contrary to the notion that hr might take a minor role once the merger or acquisition is complete, hr remains heavily involved in the post-merger integration (pmi) process. hr is crucial in shaping the post-close organization by aligning organizational structures, integrating corporate cultures, and ensuring that new policies are adopted smoothly. they also oversee the training and development of employees to fit new roles and responsibilities, which is key to retaining talent and ensuring continuity of operations.

in conclusion, hr's role is not minimized after the completion of a merger or acquisition. rather, their involvement grows as they guide the organization through the integration process, ensuring that the combined entity operates effectively and harmoniously. this ongoing commitment helps to realize the full value of the merger or acquisition, making hr an indispensable partner throughout the entire process.

The primary role and responsibility of OSHA is to: 

Correct Answer:
ensure the safety and health of workers in the workplace

the primary role and responsibility of osha, which stands for the occupational safety and health administration, is to ensure the safety and health of workers in the workplace. established in 1971 and organized within the u.s. department of labor, osha's mission is critical in maintaining a safe and healthy working environment for all employees across various industries.

workplace safety primarily concerns the physical protection of workers from injury or illness while they are on the job. this involves creating and enforcing standards that employers must follow to mitigate hazards and risks in the workplace. these standards cover a wide range of safety issues, including but not limited to, machinery operation, exposure to harmful substances, and emergency procedures.

one of osha's key functions includes inspecting workplaces to ensure that employers are adhering to these established safety standards. these inspections may be scheduled routinely or could be triggered by worker complaints or accidents. by doing so, osha helps identify and rectify potential safety and health issues before they result in serious injuries or fatalities.

besides enforcing regulations, osha also plays a significant role in aiding employers and employees through educational programs and resources. they provide training, outreach, education, and assistance to help improve workplace safety and health. this proactive approach not only helps in compliance with legal requirements but also fosters a safety culture within the workplace.

in summary, osha's primary responsibility is to ensure that workplace environments are safe and healthy, thus preventing work-related injuries, illnesses, and deaths. through a combination of regulatory enforcement and educational outreach, osha continues to play a vital role in protecting american workers and enhancing the well-being of the labor force.

How is the SHRM CP Scored?

The SHRM CP certification exam is scored based on passing scores set by a panel of experienced Human Resources professionals. They evaluate each new version of the test and assign a minimum score threshold that examinees must meet in order to pass.

A person's raw score will reflect the number of questions they get right out of the 130 test items that count towards the overall score. Upon reporting the results to examinees, the SHRM converts the raw score to a scaled score from 120-200 points. While it may sound confusing, this process helps eliminate biases and ensure fair scoring across test versions.

While it can be hard to know what precise score to shoot for when going through SHRM CP exam prep, understanding the weight of each content category can help. For instance, 18.5 percent of questions of the SHRM CP are dedicated to interpersonal relationships. By spending the same percentage of your exam prep time devoted to that category, you can take a balanced approach to studying. Of course, adding in a few SHRM practice tests to your routine can help maintain that balance.

What to Expect After the Test.

After your SHRM CP, you can expect to learn of the results within five to six weeks. Depending on your performance, you may be able to negotiate a promotion or raise based on your new SHRM CP certification. Careers in Human Resources can be taken to new heights once you've taken and passed this exam.

Unfortunately, not everyone passes the SHRM CP on their first attempt. There are no limits on the number of times you can retake the test, but given how expensive registration fees are, you'll want to be efficient with your exam prep efforts. By incorporating practice tests into your routine, you'll know exactly wh