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APA Certified Payroll Professional (CPP) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Exam Info

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The more you know about the APA Certified Payroll Professional exam the better prepared you will be! Our practice tests are designed to help you master both the subject matter and the art of test-taking to be sure you are fully prepared for your exam.

Here are a few things to think about:

  • What is the APA Certified Payroll Professional certification exam?
  • Who is Responsible for the APA exam?
  • Am I eligibility for the APA Certified Payroll Professional Exam?
  • What is the best way to ensure your succes on the first try?
  • The benefits of using Exam Edge to pass your APA Certified Payroll Professional exam.

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APA Certified Payroll Professional - Additional Information

At, we focus on making our clients' career dreams come true by offering world-class practice tests designed to cover the same topics and content areas tested on the actual American Payroll Association APA Certified Payroll Professional (CPP) Certification Exam. Our comprehensive APA Certified Payroll Professional practice tests are designed to mimic the actual exam. You will gain an understanding of the types of questions and information you will encounter when you take your American Payroll Association APA Certified Payroll Professional Certification Exam. Our APA Certified Payroll Professional Practice Tests allow you to review your answers and identify areas of improvement so you will be fully prepared for the upcoming exam and walk out of the test feeling confident in your results.

Because our practice tests are web-based, there is no software to install and no need to wait for a shipment to arrive to start studying. Your APA Certified Payroll Professional practice tests are available to you anytime from anywhere on any device, allowing you to study when it works best for you. There are 10 practice tests available, each with 125 questions and detailed explanations to help you study. Every exam is designed to cover all of the aspects of the APA Certified Payroll Professional exam, ensuring you have the knowledge you need to be successful!

APA Certified Payroll Professional - Additional Info Sample Questions

What does ACFE stand for?

Correct Answer:
the association of certified fraud examiners.

acfe stands for the association of certified fraud examiners. this organization is the world's largest anti-fraud organization and premier provider of anti-fraud training and education. the main goal of the acfe is to reduce business fraud worldwide and to inspire public confidence in the integrity and objectivity within the profession.

founded in 1988, by dr. joseph t. wells, the acfe has grown to over 85,000 members who have the opportunity to earn the certified fraud examiner (cfe) credential, a benchmark of professionalism in the anti-fraud field. members of the acfe span various professions including auditors, accountants, fraud investigators, loss prevention specialists, attorneys, educators, and many others.

the acfe provides its members with education on how to detect, prevent, and resolve fraud. this includes providing resources such as seminars, training materials, webinars, and an annual global fraud conference. the organization also conducts research to advance the anti-fraud profession.

it is important to note that the acfe is distinct from other financial or auditing bodies because it specifically focuses on anti-fraud training and the certification of fraud examiners. members of the acfe are equipped with tools and training to enhance their skills in identifying and tackling fraud in various industries. therefore, the term "certified fraud examiners" refers to individuals who have been certified by the acfe after meeting a set of criteria, which includes passing the cfe exam.

the acfe's role in examining fraud extends beyond mere certification. they also work closely with organizations to implement anti-fraud practices and policies and they offer consultancy services to help businesses recover from financial fraud. the expertise provided by acfe members makes them valuable assets to businesses seeking to fortify their defenses against fraud.