Everything you need to pass your certification exam!
The best test prep involves studying both the subject matter and the exam itself! Read on for DHA Clinical Dietitians FAQs and other test information.
Our DHA practice exams are designed to help you master both the subject matter and the art of test-taking. Created to mimic the real exam, Our DHA practice tests feature:
Buy one or save big with a practice test bundle for the DHA Clinical Dietitians exam.
"My favorite thing about ExamEdge's online practice test is that they mimicked the actual exam. I walked into the exam feeling confident I knew the material and walked out knowing my time studying with Exam Edge was well worth the effort."
Olivia R., Washington
To pass the DHA Clinical Dietitians test you need a score of 55.
The range of possible scores is 0 to 100.
At Exam Edge, we are proud to invest time and effort to make sure that Our DHA practice tests are as realistic as possible. Our practice tests help you prepare by replicating key qualities of the real test, including:
Yes! We offer practice tests for 58 different exam subjects, and there are 1,025 unique exams utilizing 92250 practice exam questions. Every subject has a free sample practice test you can try too!
DHA Allied Health
DHA Accident and Emergency/ Emergency Room (DHA-EMG)
Practice Tests
DHA Audiologist (AUDIO)
Practice Tests
DHA Audiology Assistant (AUDIO)
Practice Tests
DHA Central Sterile Supply Department (DHA-CSSD)
Practice Tests
DHA Clinical Dietitians (NUTRO)
Practice Tests
DHA Critical Care Nurse (DHA-CriticalCare)
Practice Tests
DHA Dialysis Technologist (RDTCH)
Practice Tests
DHA EKG Technician (DHA-EKG)
Practice Tests
DHA Emergency Medical Technician - Basic (DHA-EMTB)
Practice Tests
DHA Laboratory Technician (DHA-LABTech)
Practice Tests
DHA Massage Therapist (MASST)
Practice Tests
DHA Medical Laboratory Technician (LABTE)
Practice Tests
DHA Medical Laboratory Technologist (LABTO)
Practice Tests
DHA Medical Surgical Nursing (DHA-MedSurg)
Practice Tests
DHA Nutritionist (NUTRO)
Practice Tests
DHA Pharmacy Technician (PHTCH)
Practice Tests
DHA Phlebotomist (DHA-Phleb)
Practice Tests
DHA Radiographer (RADSP)
Practice Tests
DHA Veterinary (DHA-VET)
Practice Tests
DHA Allied Health - Dental
DHA Dental Assistant (DASST)
Practice Tests
DHA Dental Hygienist (DENHY)
Practice Tests
DHA Dental Technician (DHA-DT)
Practice Tests
DHA Dialysis Technician (DHA-DIaTech)
Practice Tests
DHA General Dentistry (GENDE)
Practice Tests
DHA Orthodontic Assistant (DHA-OA)
Practice Tests
DHA Pediatric Nursing (DHA-PN)
Practice Tests
DHA Allied Health - Medical Imaging
DHA Bone Densitometry (DHA-BONE)
Practice Tests
DHA Cardiac Interventional Radiography (DHA-CI)
Practice Tests
DHA Computed Tomography (DHA-CT)
Practice Tests
DHA Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technologists (DHA-MRI)
Practice Tests
DHA Mammography (DHA-MAM)
Practice Tests
DHA Medical Imaging Technologists (DHA-MI)
Practice Tests
DHA Radiotherapy Technician (DHA-RADTech)
Practice Tests
DHA Radiotherapy Technologist (DHA-RAD)
Practice Tests
DHA Sonographer (DHA-SO)
Practice Tests
DHA Vascular Interventional Radiography (DHA-VI)
Practice Tests
DHA Allied Health - Optometry
DHA Ophthalmic Technician (DHA-OT)
Practice Tests
DHA Ophthalmologists (OPTOMO)
Practice Tests
DHA Optometrist (OPTOM)
Practice Tests
DHA Pharmacology (DHA-Pharmacology)
Practice Tests
DHA Allied Health - Psychology
DHA Educational Psychology (DHA-EducPsyc)
Practice Tests
DHA Marriage and Family Psychology (DHA-FamilyPsyc)
Practice Tests
DHA Psychiatric Nurse (DHA-Psyc Nurse)
Practice Tests
DHA Allied Health - Speech Therapy
DHA Speech Therapist (DHA-SPT)
Practice Tests
DHA Speech Therapist Assistant (DHA-SPA)
Practice Tests
DHA Allied Health - Therapy
DHA Clinical Psychology (DHA-ClinicalPhysio)
Practice Tests
DHA Occupational Therapist (ORAPS)
Practice Tests
DHA Occupational Therapy Technician (ORAPS)
Practice Tests
DHA Physiotherapists (PHYSP)
Practice Tests
DHA Physiotherapy Technician (PHYTH)
Practice Tests
DHA Nurses & Midwives
DHA Diabetic Nurse Educator (DHA-Diabetic ED)
Practice Tests
DHA Assistant Midwife (MIDWI)
Practice Tests
DHA Assistant Nurse (DHA-ARN)
Practice Tests
DHA Biomedical Equipment Technician (DHA-CBET)
Practice Tests
DHA Practical Nurse (DHAPN)
Practice Tests
DHA Registered Midwifery (MIDWI)
Practice Tests
DHA Registered Nurse (DHA-RN)
Practice Tests
DHA Staff Nurse (DHA-SN)
Practice Tests
To order tests, or take a sample test, for a different subject:
Click on ' Name on the Exam Name' You will be take to the orders page
For up-to-date information about registration for the Dubai Health Authority, refer to the Dubai Health Authority website.