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DHA CSSD (DHA-CSSD) Practice Exams & Test Prep - Review

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DHA Central Sterile Supply Department - Test Reviews Sample Questions

The sequential compression unit would be used for which of the following purposes?

Correct Answer:
to limit the development of deep vein thrombosis and peripheral edema

the sequential compression unit (scu) is primarily used to limit the development of deep vein thrombosis (dvt) and peripheral edema, particularly in patients who are immobile. this medical device functions by applying controlled pressure to the legs, which promotes blood flow and mimics the natural processes that occur when walking. by enhancing circulation, the scu helps prevent the stasis (pooling) of blood in the veins, which is a common precursor to the formation of blood clots.

deep vein thrombosis is a serious condition where blood clots form in the deep veins of the body, often in the legs. these clots can cause pain and swelling, and there is a risk that a clot can dislodge and travel to the lungs, leading to a potentially fatal pulmonary embolism. scus are therefore essential in high-risk patients, such as those undergoing surgery, those with limited mobility, or individuals who have a history of vascular disease.

peripheral edema, another condition mitigated by the use of scus, involves the buildup of fluid in the tissues, often observed in the lower legs and ankles. this condition can be uncomfortable and may impede the healing process in post-operative patients. by improving lymphatic and blood circulation through the use of sequential compression, the scu helps reduce the occurrence of edema.

in addition to preventing dvt and managing edema, sequential compression units can also indirectly help reduce swelling, alleviate pain, and prevent muscle cramps associated with poor blood flow and fluid retention. while the primary design of scus is not specifically targeted at stimulating the venous plantar plexus or directly managing pain, the improvement in blood and fluid dynamics can contribute to these benefits.

in summary, the sequential compression unit is a valuable tool in medical settings, particularly for patients who are not able to move or exercise regularly. its ability to simulate the natural pumping action of muscles during movement helps maintain normal blood and fluid circulation, thereby preventing conditions like deep vein thrombosis and peripheral edema.

Chlorine and iodine belong to the chemical group known as

Correct Answer:

chlorine and iodine are both elements found in group 17 of the periodic table, commonly referred to as the halogens. the halogen group also includes fluorine, bromine, and astatine. these elements are known for their high reactivity and their ability to form salts when they react with metals.

in the context of disinfectants, both chlorine and iodine are highly valued for their strong oxidative properties, which make them effective at killing bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens. chlorine, for example, is widely used in its elemental form or as compounds such as sodium hypochlorite (bleach) to purify drinking water and sanitize swimming pools. iodine, on the other hand, is often used in medical settings, for instance in iodophors, which are iodine carrier complexes typically used for disinfecting skin and surfaces.

the statement that chlorine and iodine are gaseous at room temperature is not entirely accurate. while chlorine is a gas at room temperature, iodine is actually a solid. however, iodine can easily sublimate to a gas when exposed to air at room temperature. both elements, when used as disinfectants, are indeed often mixed with other substances to enhance their stability and effectiveness. for example, iodine is commonly combined with a solubilizing agent to form a water-soluble complex in iodophors.

the halogens, including chlorine and iodine, have unique properties that make them highly effective as disinfectants. their ability to disrupt the essential processes of microbial cells, including the disruption of protein structures and the oxidation of essential cellular components, accounts for their broad use in infection control. thus, understanding their chemical nature and behavior is crucial for their safe and effective application in various settings.