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DHA Audiologist Assistant Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Topics

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Understanding what is on the DHA Audiology Assistant exam is crucial step in preparing for the exam. You will need to have an understanding of the testing domain (topics covered) to be sure you are studing the correct information.

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Understanding the exact breakdown of the DHA Audiology Assistant test will help you know what to expect and how to most effectively prepare. The DHA Audiology Assistant has 100 multiple-choice questions The exam will be broken down into the sections below:

DHA Audiology Assistant Exam Blueprint
Domain Name
Ethics and Professionalism
Infection Control
Anatomy and Physiology
Physics of Sound
Adults and Older Adults
Auditory Evoked Potentials
Disorders and Syndromes
Hearing Aids and implantable Hearing Devices
Documentation and Communication / Counseling

DHA Audiology Assistant - Exam Topics Sample Questions

This disorder arises from dysfunction within the structures of the inner ear and is the most common cause of vertigo, often with accompanying nausea. The acknowledged standard test to diagnose this is the Dix-Hallpike test.

Correct Answer:
​benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.

the correct answer to the question is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (bppv). this condition is characterized by brief episodes of mild to intense dizziness, usually triggered by changes in the position of the head. this disorder arises from dysfunction within the structures of the inner ear, particularly the displacement of tiny calcium carbonate crystals, known as otoliths or canaliths, from their usual position within the utricle, one of the vestibular organs.

bppv is the most common cause of vertigo, accounting for about 40 percent of cases where vertigo is experienced. individuals with bppv often report sensations of spinning or movement, which are typically provoked by lying down, turning over in bed, or looking up. the associated symptoms such as nausea are due to the vertigo and the body's response to the perceived spinning.

the dix-hallpike test, which is the standard diagnostic test for bppv, involves rapidly moving the patient from a sitting to a supine position, with the head turned to one side and extended slightly. this maneuver is intended to provoke the movement of the dislodged crystals and induce the characteristic eye movement known as nystagmus, which is associated with vertigo. the presence of nystagmus during this test helps confirm the diagnosis of bppv.

while bppv can be uncomfortable, it is typically treatable with maneuvers such as the epley maneuver, which aims to guide the dislodged crystals back to their correct location in the ear.

it is important to differentiate bppv from other disorders that can cause vertigo, such as labyrinthitis (inflammation of the inner ear structures), vestibular neuritis (inflammation of the vestibular nerve), meniere’s disease (characterized by fluid buildup in the inner ear and progressive hearing loss), and issues involving nystagmus due to different causes. each of these conditions has different implications and treatment strategies, highlighting the importance of accurate diagnosis.

Of the following, which device would BEST be used to increase the volume of incoming calls, but block feedback and background noise?

Correct Answer:
telephone amplifier.

the question asks for the best device to increase the volume of incoming calls while also blocking feedback and background noise. among the listed options, the telephone amplifier is the most suitable choice.

telephone amplifiers are specifically designed to enhance the audio quality and volume of telephone conversations. they are particularly useful for individuals with hearing impairments. these devices amplify the sound of incoming calls, making it easier for the user to hear, but they also have built-in features that help to minimize or eliminate background noise and feedback. this dual functionality is crucial for clear communication, without the distraction or hindrance of unwanted sounds.

comparatively, other devices mentioned like tv amplifiers, remote signaling devices, personal fm systems, and hearing aids serve different primary purposes. for example, a tv amplifier is intended for use with television audio and might not be compatible or effective with telephone audio. a remote signaling device is more about alerting a user to a specific sound or signal rather than improving audio clarity. a personal fm system is generally used in environments like classrooms or conferences to transmit sound directly to an individual from a distance, which is not directly applicable to regular telephone use.

hearing aids, while they amplify sound and can sometimes be configured to work better with phones, are a broader solution that comes with a higher cost. they are designed to compensate for all sounds in the environment and might not specifically block out phone feedback and background noise unless paired with specialized technology or settings.

therefore, for someone whose primary concern is clarity during phone calls, a telephone amplifier is an ideal solution. it's designed specifically for this use, offering cost efficiency and targeted functionality. this makes it a practical alternative to more expensive solutions like hearing aids, especially if the hearing difficulty is confined mostly to telephone communication.