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NASM Certified Group Personal Trainer - Blogs Sample Questions

Organized action is similar to freestyle choreography, but it utilizes geographical options for variety rather than many different locomotor movements.  All of the following are true about organized action except:

Correct Answer:
there are no combinations combining two or more moves together

organized action in fitness refers to a structured form of exercise where movements are choreographed or planned, often using geographical variety (such as different workout stations or areas) to add diversity to the routine. this method contrasts with freestyle choreography, which relies more on a variety of locomotor movements to keep the session engaging.

one key statement about organized action is that it maintains an athletic orientation, and music is often incorporated to energize participants. this combination of structured movement and motivational music helps create an engaging environment that is conducive to vigorous workouts. organized action is particularly effective in settings such as boot camp and sports conditioning classes, where the focus is on building strength, endurance, and agility.

the statement that "there are no combinations combining two or more moves together" is the one that does not hold true about organized action. while the objective of organized action might be to keep things simple, this does not necessarily mean that only single, isolated movements are used throughout an entire session. in practice, combinations of movements are frequently used to enhance the workout's effectiveness, challenge different muscle groups, and prevent monotony. this approach ensures a comprehensive workout that can cater to various fitness levels and goals.

therefore, the claim that in organized action "there are no combinations combining two or more moves together" is incorrect. organized action can indeed involve combining multiple movements to form more complex routines that boost the workout's intensity and effectiveness.