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DANB's MBDA (MBDA) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Topics

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Understanding what is on the DANB's MBDA exam is crucial step in preparing for the exam. You will need to have an understanding of the testing domain (topics covered) to be sure you are studying the correct information.

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Understanding the exact breakdown of the DANB's Missouri Test of Basic Dental Assisting Skills test will help you know what to expect and how to most effectively prepare. The DANB's Missouri Test of Basic Dental Assisting Skills has multiple-choice questions The exam will be broken down into the sections below:

DANB's Missouri Test of Basic Dental Assisting Skills Exam Blueprint
Domain Name % Number of
Oral Disease Prevention 10% 13
Dental Materials 10% 13
Medical Emergencies 10% 13
Charts/Legal/Jurisprudence 10% 13
Radiation Health and Safety 10% 13
Infection Control 30% 40
Tooth Morphology 20% 27

DANB's Missouri Test of Basic Dental Assisting Skills - Exam Topics Sample Questions

One method to inhibit biofilm is to:

Correct Answer:
flush the dental unit water lines at the beginning of the day.

one effective method to inhibit the formation of biofilm in dental unit water lines is by flushing these lines at the start of each day. biofilm consists of a complex community of bacteria and other microorganisms that adhere to surfaces in moist environments, such as dental unit water lines. if not properly managed, biofilm can pose a significant risk of infection to patients and dental staff.

flushing the dental unit water lines at the beginning of the day serves several important purposes. firstly, it helps to clear out any stagnant water that has settled in the lines overnight. stagnant water is a prime breeding ground for bacteria, and its removal is crucial in preventing biofilm buildup. secondly, the act of flushing the lines with fresh water dilutes the microbial load, thereby reducing the overall risk of biofilm formation.

in addition to morning flushing, it is also recommended to flush the dental unit water lines between patient appointments for about 20 to 30 seconds. this practice further ensures that the water lines remain free of significant microbial buildup throughout the day. such frequent flushing is vital as it minimizes the potential for biofilm reformation between uses.

it is important to note that dental units should never reach a point where the water lines become clogged. clogging indicates a severe biofilm buildup, which not only compromises the effectiveness of flushing but also poses heightened infection risks. regular maintenance and adherence to flushing protocols are essential to prevent such issues.

overall, the regular flushing of dental unit water lines, both at the beginning of the day and between patients, is a critical procedure in the prevention and control of biofilm. this practice is a cornerstone of dental unit hygiene protocols, ensuring the safety and cleanliness of dental treatments.