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DANB's LDRT (LDRT) Practice Tests & Test Prep by Exam Edge - Review

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DANB's Licensed Dental Radiologic Technologist - Reviews

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"I found the practice tests extremely helpful. I passed the DANB RHS exam and felt that the subject matter was thoroughly covered by your practice tests. The viewing of films and answering questions on them was especially helpful. Thank you very much for the assistance in preparing for the DANB RHS exam."


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DANB's Licensed Dental Radiologic Technologist - Test Reviews Sample Questions

Which of the following is not a step in the process of processing films?

Correct Answer:
overexposing the film. 

the process of developing photographic films involves several critical steps to ensure that the captured images are properly visualized. these steps typically include loading the film into a development tank in complete darkness, developing the film with chemical solutions to reduce the exposed silver halides to metallic silver, stopping the development process with a stop bath, fixing the film with a fixer solution to make the image permanent, washing the film to remove any residual chemicals, and finally drying the film. each step plays a crucial role in achieving a clear and stable image.

however, "overexposing the film" is not a part of the film processing sequence. overexposure refers to a condition during the film's exposure in a camera, not during its chemical processing. when a film is overexposed, too much light reaches the film for too long, which can lead to excessively bright images with washed-out areas or reduced contrast. overexposure happens during the shooting phase, and it is generally considered a mistake that photographers try to avoid. it affects the amount of light captured on the film but is not a deliberate step in the darkroom film processing workflow.

therefore, while steps such as rinsing, developing, fixing, and drying the film are integral to film processing, overexposing the film is not only unrelated to these steps but also undesirable in the context of capturing well-balanced photographic images. correcting overexposure, if possible, would involve adjustments during the shooting phase or potentially during printing but not during the standard film processing routine.