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SHRM-SCP Practice Tests & Exam Prep Questions - Topics

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Understanding the exact breakdown of the SHRM Senior Certified Professional test will help you know what to expect and how to most effectively prepare. The SHRM Senior Certified Professional has 134 multiple-choice questions The exam will be broken down into the sections below:

SHRM Senior Certified Professional Exam Blueprint
Domain Name % Number of
Organization 18% 24
People 18% 24
Leadership 17% 23
Business 16.5% 22
Interpersonal 16.5% 22
Workplace 14% 19

SHRM Senior Certified Professional - Exam Topics Sample Questions

The computer network within an organization that is meant for the use of its employees or members is which of the following?

Correct Answer:
the correct answer to the question is "intranet." an intranet is a private network utilized within a corporation or organization to securely manage, store, and distribute relevant information to its employees or members. the primary purpose of an intranet is to facilitate internal communication and collaboration, streamline processes, and integrate the organization's resources in a secure environment.

an intranet is different from the internet, which is a global network that connects millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks. in contrast, an intranet is restricted to a specific group of users and is not accessible to the general public. this exclusivity helps ensure that sensitive information is only accessible to authorized users within the organization.

furthermore, intranets often offer various tools and services such as internal email systems, forums, search engines, content management systems, and databases that are customized to support the specific needs of the organization. these tools help in promoting effective workplace communication and collaboration, project management, and knowledge sharing.

intranets may also implement strict security measures including firewalls, encryption, and user authentication protocols to protect the organization's data and infrastructure. these security measures are crucial since intranets often handle confidential company data that could be detrimental to the business if leaked.

to sum up, an intranet serves as a powerful tool for an organization, enhancing internal communications, improving operational efficiency, and safeguarding important information, all within a controlled and secure network environment.

A general exception to polygraph testing is allowed in which of the following cases?

Correct Answer:
armored car personnel

the general exception to polygraph testing typically involves scenarios in which the employer manages high-risk operations or sensitive materials, such as in the case of armored car personnel. armored car personnel are responsible for the transportation and security of significant sums of money or valuable goods. because of the high-risk nature of their job and the trust placed in these employees, employers are often granted more leeway to conduct polygraph tests as part of the hiring process. this exception aims to ensure the reliability and integrity of those who are in direct contact with or responsible for assets that could be targets for theft or embezzlement.

conversely, the other scenarios listed—such as an active investigation involving economic loss to the employer’s business, a reasonable suspicion that an employee was involved in economic loss to the business, and an employee having access to lost property—do not automatically qualify for a general exception to polygraph testing. in these cases, the use of a polygraph is more regulated and can generally only be employed under specific conditions that justify the need for such testing. these conditions must align with the legal guidelines that protect employee rights against unreasonable search and interrogation practices.

it is important to note that while the employee polygraph protection act (eppa) of 1988 generally prohibits most private employers from using lie detector tests, either for pre-employment screening or during the course of employment, there are exemptions. the exemptions include security service firms such as those that provide armored car services, alarm or guard services, or companies that manufacture, distribute, or dispense pharmaceuticals. yet, even within these exempted industries, employers must still adhere to certain protocols when administering polygraph tests.

therefore, the notable exception for armored car personnel is distinct because it directly relates to the nature of their job, which inherently involves greater risks and security concerns. this specific allowance is intended to mitigate potential risks associated with the roles these employees play in their daily duties. in contrast, the other scenarios require a more nuanced approach where the necessity and legality of polygraph testing must be carefully evaluated against the backdrop of employee rights and the specific circumstances surrounding the suspected economic loss or access to sensitive properties.