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PMI Scheduling Professional - Reviews

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PMI Scheduling Professional - Test Reviews Sample Questions

Frank is the project manager of a hotel restoration project.  The hotel has 456 rooms.  All rooms need to be primed and painted.  Before a room can be painted, the primer must cure for 24 hours.  Frank has arranged these tasks with a finish-to-start relationship between the priming and the painting.  What else should Frank do to account for the 24 hours of cure time?

Correct Answer:
frank should add 24 hours of lag time to each of the 456 rooms painting activity to account for the primer's curing time.
frank, as the project manager of the hotel restoration project, is tasked with ensuring that each of the 456 hotel rooms is properly primed and painted. given that each room's primer needs 24 hours to cure before painting can commence, frank should employ project management techniques to efficiently manage the scheduling of these tasks.

in project management, the relationship between sequential tasks can be managed using concepts such as lead time and lag time. in this scenario, the correct approach involves the use of lag time. lag time is the delay or waiting period inserted between tasks that are dependent on each other. here, the painting of each room can only start after the primer applied to the room has had 24 hours to cure. this mandatory waiting period of 24 hours is effectively a lag time.

thus, for each room, frank should schedule the painting task to start 24 hours after the priming task has been completed. this is done by adding a 24-hour lag time to the painting activity in the project schedule. this lag ensures that there is no overlap between the completion of priming and the start of painting, adhering to the necessary cure time.

in practical terms, this means that when frank is using project scheduling software or even a manual scheduling method, he should set the start date of the painting task for each room to be at least 24 hours after the finish date of the priming task. this configuration prevents any scheduling errors that could lead to painting commencing before the primer is adequately cured, which could compromise the quality of the work.

in conclusion, by adding 24 hours of lag time to each of the 456 rooms' painting activities, frank ensures the project adheres to technical requirements and maintains quality standards. this approach avoids the need for additional tasks or adjustments in the schedule, simplifying project management and ensuring a smoother workflow. this methodical scheduling guarantees that all hotel rooms are primed and painted efficiently and effectively, leading to a successful restoration project completion.