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APA FPC Test Prep & Practice Questions

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APA Fundamental Payroll Certification (FPC) Sample Test

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You are filling out Form I-9 as one who is not a U.S. citizen and who resides in the United States under legally recognized residence as an immigrant. Which box would you check?

Correct Answer:
lawful permanent resident.

*when filling out form i-9, which is used for verifying the identity and employment authorization of individuals hired for employment in the united states, you need to select the category that best describes your immigration status. each category on the form corresponds to a different immigration status and has different requirements.

*the options you mentioned are: 1. **citizen of the united states**: this box should be checked if you are a u.s. citizen by birth or naturalization. 2. **noncitizen national of the united states**: this is less common and applies to individuals who were born in american samoa or were born abroad to parents who are noncitizen nationals. 3. **lawful permanent resident**: this box should be checked if you are a resident who has been legally given the permission to live permanently in the u.s. this category includes those who have a permanent resident card (also known as a green card), including conditional residents. conditional residents are individuals who have been married to a u.s. citizen or permanent resident for less than two years and have been granted residency on a conditional basis. 4. **alien authorized to work**: if you do not fall into the previous categories but are in the u.s. on a visa that allows you to work, or if you are an asylee, refugee, or a person who has been granted temporary protected status (tps), deferred enforced departure (ded), or daca (deferred action for childhood arrivals), you should select this option.

*based on your description as a non-u.s. citizen residing in the u.s. under legally recognized residence as an immigrant, the most appropriate box for you to check would likely be "lawful permanent resident." this indicates that you are either a permanent resident or a conditional resident. as part of completing form i-9 under this status, you will be required to enter either your alien registration number (a-number) or uscis number. this number is essential for verifying your status and employment eligibility in the united states.

*it’s important to accurately select the category that reflects your current immigration status to ensure compliance with employment regulations. if there is any uncertainty about which box to check, reviewing your immigration documents or consulting an immigration attorney can provide clarification.

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APA Fundamental Payroll Certification (FPC) - Reviews

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