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MSNCB Exam & MSNCB Certification Info

It appears there might be a misunderstanding in your question. There is no organization or certification body known as "MSNCB". The closest matches are: 1. MSNBC, which is a news television network, not a certification body. 2. MSNCB (Medical-Surgical Nursing Certification Board), which offers certification for medical-surgical nurses. Assuming you meant the latter, here's the information:

Medical-Surgical Nursing Certification Board (MSNCB)

The MSNCB is a professional organization that provides certification for medical-surgical nurses. The certification exams are intended to validate the competency and knowledge of nurses in this field.

Step 1: Eligibility and Application

To be eligible for the MSNCB certification exam, you must hold a current, active RN license in the United States or its territories. You also need two years of full-time employment as a registered nurse, with at least 2,000 hours of practice in medical-surgical nursing in the last 3 years, and 30 hours of continuing nursing education in medical-surgical nursing in the last 3 years. The application can be submitted online through the MSNCB website.

Step 2: Scheduling the Exam

Once your application is approved, MSNCB will send you an Authorization to Test (ATT) via email. You can then schedule your exam at a PSI testing center. The exact location will depend on the options available in your region. You can find the nearest location through PSI's online system.

Step 3: Taking the Exam

The exam is computer-based and consists of 175 multiple-choice questions. You will have 3.5 hours to complete the exam. The test includes questions on a variety of topics related to medical-surgical nursing, including patient problems and nursing interventions.

Location Information and Website

The exam is conducted at various PSI testing centers located across the United States. The exact location will depend on your region. You can find more information about the exam and the application process on the MSNCB website:

Please confirm if this is the information you were looking for or if you meant a different organization.

MSNCB Certified Medical-Surgical Registered Nurse Exams


The MSNCB Certified in Care Coordination and Transition Management (CCCTM) certification test is a comprehensive assessment for registered nurses specializing in the field of care coordination and transition management. This test measures the candidate's knowledge and skills in patient-centered care, transitional care, communication and education, assessment and identification of problems, planning and care coordination, healthcare law and policy, and psychosocial aspects of care. Gaining this certification verifies the nurse's proficiency and commitment to providing quality transitional care, improving patient outcomes, and reducing healthcare costs.

100 - Multiple Choice
Communication and transition throughout the care continuum - 20%
Education, engagement, coaching and counseling of patients, caregivers, and support network - 20%
Population health management - 20%
Patient-centered care planning and support for selfmanagement - 15%
Teamwork and interprofessional collaboration - 15%
Advocacy - 10%

120 Minutes

The MSNCB Certified Medical-Surgical Registered Nurse (CMSRN) certification test is a rigorous evaluation for nurses seeking to demonstrate their expertise and knowledge in medical-surgical nursing. The exam consists of 150 questions covering a broad range of topics, including the pathophysiological basis for treatment, patient teaching, and more. It assesses a nurse's ability to provide excellent bedside care to adults in medical-surgical settings. Successful CMSRN certification signifies a nurse's commitment to professional development, patient safety, and quality nursing care. It is nationally recognized and accredited by the Accreditation Board for Specialty Nursing Certification (ABSNC).

100 - Multiple Choice
Diabetes / Other Endocrine
GU / Renal / Reproductive
Musculoskeletal / Neuro
Hematological / Immuno / Integumentary

120 Minutes