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AAPC Exam & AAPC Certification Info

Who is the AAPC?

The AAPC, formerly known as the American Academy of Professional Coders, is a professional organization for people working in the business side of healthcare. This organization provides certified credentials to medical coders in physician office settings, outpatient surgery centers, hospital settings and more.

Where do you take AAPC certification exams?

AAPC certification exams are proctored through local AAPC chapters or through online or onsite proctoring. The exact locations vary, but can be found on the AAPC's official website.

Step 1: Eligibility and Application

To be eligible for AAPC certification exams, you need to have a high school diploma or equivalent. You then need to apply for the exam on the AAPC's official website. This involves choosing the certification you want to obtain and filling out the necessary application forms.

Step 2: Scheduling the Exam

Once your application has been approved, you can schedule your exam. You can do this online through the AAPC's website. You'll be able to choose the date and location that suits you best. However, it's worth noting that availability can vary based on location and time of year.

Step 3: Taking the Exam

On the day of the exam, you need to arrive at your chosen location with a valid form of identification. The exams are proctored and you'll be given instructions before you start. Once the exam is finished, you'll receive your results within 5 to 10 business days.

Location Information

The AAPC has more than 500 local chapters across the United States, all of which can potentially serve as exam locations. To find the one nearest to you, you can use the "Find a Chapter" tool on the AAPC's website.


You can find all the necessary information and make all the necessary arrangements for your AAPC certification exam on the official AAPC website, which is

What is AAPC - Certified Professional Medical Auditor ?

AAPC - Certified Professional Medical Auditor Exams


The AAPC Certified Professional Medical Auditor (CPMA) certification test is a rigorous examination designed for healthcare professionals with expertise in medical documentation, fraud, abuse, and penalties for documentation and coding violations based on governmental guidelines. The test evaluates the candidate's knowledge in areas such as medical record standards, coding and documentation compliance, and audit scope and statistical sampling methods. Earning this prestigious certification demonstrates proficiency in medical auditing, enhancing career prospects in the healthcare sector.

100 - Multiple Choice
Medical Record Standards and Documentation - 17%
Coding and Documentation Compliance Guidelines - 21%
Coding and Reimbursement Concepts - 13%
Scope and Statistical Sampling Methodologies - 7%
Medical Record Auditing and Abstraction - 35%
Category Risk Analysis and Communication - 6%

280 Minutes

What is AAPC Certified Professional Coder (CPC)?

AAPC Certified Professional Coder (CPC) Exams

AAPC Certified Professional Coder (CPC)

The AAPC Certified Professional Coder (CPC) certification test is an examination for medical coders aspiring to validate their proficiency in medical coding. This test assesses knowledge in different areas such as medical terminology, anatomy, coding guidelines, and the correct application of CPT, ICD-10, and HCPCS Level II coding procedures. It is a 150 multiple-choice question exam, spanning 5 hours and 40 minutes, and requires an understanding of healthcare services' coding and billing processes. This certification is globally recognized, enhancing employability and potential earnings within the healthcare industry.

100 - Multiple Choice
Medical terminology
Diagnosis and Procedure Coding
Privacy, Confidentiality, Legal, and Ethical Issues

240 Minutes

The AAPC Certified Professional Coder-Hospital Outpatient (CPC-H) certification test validates proficiency of coding professionals in accurately coding and billing for medical services delivered in a hospital outpatient setting. The test covers coding guidelines, payment methodologies, and regulatory compliance. It comprises 150 multiple-choice questions encompassing medical terminologies, anatomy, coding conventions and rules. Passing the CPC-H exam demonstrates a professional's thorough understanding of outpatient hospital billing and coding, enhancing their employability in diverse healthcare environments.

100 - Multiple Choice
Proficiency in assigning accurate medical codes
services performed
Proficiency across a wide range of services
evaluation and management
surgical services
Ability to integrate coding and reimbursement rule changes
A working knowledge of AHA Coding Clinic guidelines in the
assignment of ICD codes

240 Minutes